The Daily Brief

Thematic madness, China's stupidity, real estate boom and more.

Episode Summary

This is the second weekly briefing. We publish a new episode every day to help you understand the biggest stories in the Indian markets. But we understand that you may be busy and don't have the time to listen to the daily episodes. So don't worry, we've got you covered. Every week, we'll publish a new episode simplifying the biggest stories of the week so that you can still look smart in front of your friends. In this week's episode, we look at these stories: 1) Madness in thematic and sectoral mutual funds. 2) RBI’s new guidelines on interest payments that could hurt banks and NBFCs. 3) Uttar Pradesh makes hybrid cars more attractive. 4) China stupidly bans short-selling. 5) After a decade of underperformance real estate is booming. We also send out a crisp and short daily newsletter for The Daily Brief. Put your email here and we'll make you smart every day: